Knoqd Apex Controller Settings, Crosshair, Keybinds & More

Knoqd Apex Controller Settings 2023
Knoqd Apex Controller Settings 2023

1. Introduction
2. What is Knoqd Apex?
3. The Importance of Settings in Apex Legends
4. Understanding Controller Settings
5. Sensitivity Settings
6. Button Mapping
7. Aim Assist
8. Advanced Settings
9. Fine-Tuning Your Controls
10. Pro Player Settings
11. Experimenting and Finding Your Preferences
12. Common Mistakes to Avoid
13. Staying Updated with Patches and Updates
14. Conclusion
15. FAQs

Knoqd Apex Controller Settings


In the world of competitive gaming, having the right controller settings can make all the difference. When it comes to Apex Legends, a popular battle royale game, the right controller settings can significantly improve your gameplay experience. In this article, we will explore the importance of controller settings in Apex Legends and guide you through the various aspects of optimizing your settings for maximum performance.

What is Knoqd Apex?


Knoqd Apex
Knoqd Apex

Before diving into controller settings, let's briefly introduce Knoqd Apex. Knoqd Apex is a professional Apex Legends player and streamer who has gained recognition for his exceptional skills in the game. Many players look to Knoqd for inspiration and guidance on their own controller settings, as he has proven himself to be a top-tier player in the competitive scene.

The Importance of Settings in Apex Legends

Controller settings play a crucial role in your overall gaming experience. They allow you to customize the controls to suit your preferences and playstyle, providing you with a comfortable and intuitive interface to navigate the game. Having the right settings can enhance your accuracy, speed, and reaction time, giving you a competitive edge over your opponents.

Understanding Controller Settings

To optimize your controller settings in Apex Legends, it's important to understand the different options available to you. Let's explore some of the key settings you should consider adjusting.

Sensitivity Settings

Sensitivity settings determine how responsive your controller is to your movements. This includes both the general sensitivity, which affects your character's movement, and the aiming sensitivity, which influences your crosshair movement. Finding the right balance between speed and precision is crucial for accurate aiming and quick reflexes.

Controller Settings 2023

Keybinds Settings

Knoqd Controller Keybinds Settings

Knoqd Keybinds Settings

  • Map : Toggle View
  • Aim Down Sight : L2 or Left Trigger (Hold)
  • Tactical Ability : L1 or Left Button
  • Sprint : Left Stick
  • Use Health / Shield Kit : D-Pad Up
  • Toggle Fire Mode  : D-Pad Left
  • Equip Grenade : D-Pad Right
  • Extra Character Action : D-Pad Down
  • Ultimate Ability : L1 + R1 / Left Button + Right Button
  • Inventory: Options / Menu
  • Attack : R2 or Right Trigger
  • Ping/Ping Wheel : R1 or Right Button (Hold)
  • Cycle Weapon / Holster : Y Button or Triangle
  • Melee : B Button or Circle
  • Jump : A Button or X
  • Interact/Pickup/Reload : X Button or Square
  • Crouch : Right Trigger (Toggle)

Advanced Look Controls

Knoqd Controller Settings
Knoqd Controller Settings


  • Look Sensitivity – High (4)
  • Look Sensitivity (ADS) – Default (3)
  • Response Curve – Linear
  • Look Deadzone – None
  • Button Layout : Customized
  • Stick Layout : Default
  • Interact/Reload Button : Tap to Use and Reload
  • Crouch Button : Toggle
  • Aim Button : Hold
  • Survival Slot Button : On
  • Trigger Deadzones : None


Advanced Look Controls


  • Deadzone : 4%
  • Outer Threshold : 1%
  • Response Curve : 0
  • Yaw Speed : 375
  • Pitch Speed : 375
  • Turning Extra Yaw : 0
  • Turning Extra Pitch : 0
  • Turning Ramp-up Time : 0%
  • Turning Ramp-up Delay : 0%
  • ADS Yaw Speed : 150
  • ADS Pitch Speed : 150
  • ADS Turning Extra Yaw : 0
  • ADS Turning Extra Pitch : 0
  • ADS Turning Ramp-up Time : 0%
  • ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay : 0%
  • Target Compensation : On
  • Melee Target Compensation : On

Button Mapping

Button mapping allows you to assign specific actions to different buttons on your controller. This customization enables you to create a layout that feels natural and comfortable for you. It's essential to map buttons strategically, ensuring quick access to crucial actions such as reloading, crouching, and using abilities.

Aim Assist

Aim assist is a feature in Apex Legends that helps you track and aim at enemies more effectively. It provides a slight magnetic pull towards enemies when you're aiming, making it easier to land shots. Adjusting the aim assist settings can help fine-tune this feature to your preference and playstyle.

Advanced Settings

Apex Legends offers advanced controller settings that allow for further customization. These include dead zone adjustments, which determine the minimum input required for your controller to register movement, and response curve options, which control how your controller responds to your joystick movements. Experimenting with these settings can lead to more precise and personalized controls.


Video Settings


Knoqd Video Settings
Knoqd Video Settings

  • Display Mode : Fullscreen
  • Aspect Ratio : 16:9
  • Resolution  : 1920x1080
  • Field of View : 112
  • V-Sync : Disabled
  • Anti-Aliasing : TSAA
  • Texture Streaming Budget : High
  • Texture Filtering : Anisotropic 4x
  • Ambient Occlusion Quality : Low
  • Sun Shadow Coverage : Low
  • Sun Shadow Detail : Low
  • Spot Shadow Detail : Disabled
  • Volumetric Lighting : Disabled
  • Dynamic Spot Shadows : Disabled
  • Model Detail : Low
  • Effects Detail : Low
  • Impact Marks : Low
  • Ragdolls : Low
  • Disable Pre-Load Textures : On
  • Adaptive Resolution FPS Target :165


Audio Settings


Knoqd Audio Settings
Knoqd Audio Settings

  • Master Volume: 70% Or 90%
  • Voice Chat Record Mode: Open Mic
  • Lobby Music Volume: 40% Or 80%
  • Sound in Background: Off
  • Play Incoming Text as Speech: Off
  • Open Mic Record Threshold: 1300
  • Dialogue Volume: 76%
  • Music Volume: 55%
  • Incoming Voice Chat Volume: 100%
  • Sound Effects Volume: 100%
  • Convert Incoming Voice to Chat Text: Off

Fine-Tuning Your Controls

Optimizing your controller settings is a process of trial and error. It's important to make small adjustments and test them in-game to see how they affect your performance. Fine-tuning your controls over time can help you find the optimal settings that suit your individual playstyle.

Pro Player Settings

Pro players like Knoqd often share their controller settings with the community. While it's essential to remember that everyone has their own unique preferences, studying the settings of successful players can provide valuable insights. Pay attention to factors such as sensitivity levels, button mapping, and advanced settings that these players utilize. It's not about blindly copying their settings but rather understanding the reasoning behind their choices and adapting them to your own gameplay style.

Experimenting and Finding Your Preferences

Finding the perfect controller settings is a personal journey. What works for one player may not work for another. It's crucial to experiment with different configurations and take note of how they impact your gameplay. Start by making small adjustments to one setting at a time, such as sensitivity or button mapping, and play several matches to evaluate the results. This iterative process will help you narrow down the settings that feel most comfortable and effective for you.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to optimizing controller settings, there are a few common mistakes that players should be aware of. Firstly, avoid changing your settings too frequently. Constantly switching configurations can disrupt your muscle memory and hinder your overall performance. Give yourself enough time to adapt to a new setting before making further changes.

Secondly, don't rely solely on pro player settings without understanding the reasoning behind them. understand that what works for them won't give you the results you want. Take inspiration from their settings but make adjustments based on your own preferences and playstyle.

Lastly, be cautious of extreme settings. While it may seem tempting to crank up sensitivity to the maximum for lightning-fast reactions or to rely heavily on aim assist, it's important to find a balanced configuration that allows for both precision and control. Extreme settings can lead to overcompensation and hamper your overall accuracy.

Staying Updated with Patches and Updates

Apex Legends is a dynamic game that undergoes regular updates and patches. These updates can bring changes to the game mechanics, including controller settings. It's crucial to stay informed about these updates and their impact on controller settings. Stay engaged with the Apex Legends community, follow developer notes, and consult reliable sources to ensure that your settings remain optimized and up to date.


Optimizing your controller settings in Apex Legends is an ongoing process that requires patience and experimentation. By understanding the various settings available, studying pro player configurations, and finding your own preferences through trial and error, you can create a personalized setup that enhances your gaming experience. Remember to strike a balance between speed and precision, avoid common mistakes, and stay updated with game updates to maintain optimal performance.


1. Should I copy pro player settings exactly?

  • While pro player settings can provide valuable insights, it's essential to adapt them to your own playstyle and preferences. Experiment and find what works best for you.

2. How often should I change my controller settings?

  • Avoid changing your settings too frequently. Give yourself enough time to adapt to a new configuration before making further adjustments.

3. Are extreme sensitivity settings recommended for better performance?

  • Extreme sensitivity settings can lead to overcompensation and hinder your accuracy. Find a balanced configuration that allows for precision and control.

4. How do patches and updates affect controller settings?

  • Regular updates and patches can bring changes to the game mechanics, including controller settings. Stay informed and adapt your settings accordingly.

5. Can I use different settings for different legends in Apex Legends?

  • Yes, you can customize your settings for individual legends based on their unique abilities and your preferred playstyle. Experiment and find the settings that work best for each legend.

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